The setup is simple - Nantucket in the 1990's one night has an electrical storm and when it clears the stars have changed and all connection to the outside world is gone. The entire island with all its 20th century equipment has been somehow transported back to 1250 BC - the Bronze Age of Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Egypt and Troy. This is never explained and they don't understand it, but after that everything is logical and scientific. Initially they have to invent their polity and laws, and they use their Coast Guard ship with sails to travel to the British Isles to get agricultural products, trade, etc. They make crossbows which are advanced technology back then before they eventually figure out how to make civil-war style rifles.
The battle scenes are a highlight since the natives also pick up using the technology too and there is a goofy mixture of rifles, canons, arrows, ultra-lights, chariots and by book two a zeppelin. There is a renegade from the 20th that will decide to set up his own empire and that provides the conflict that runs thru all three books but the first one is satifying and ends with his (first) defeat. Over the course of the 3 novels and 10 plus years, the various Nantucket people get involved in battles and negotiations across all these lands. Agamemnon and Odysseus make there appearances. Odysseus even finds out to his dismay what he would have become if these people from the future didn't intervene.