The death of her father left, Verity Scott, in a state of distraught...but in these trying times she befriended a gentlemanly soldier named Max...and her father just happened to be his commanding officer. Five years later, Verity finds herself working as a handmaiden and Max mysteriously reenters her life. She discovers that he is the Lord of Bakehurst...but realizes that Max does not remember her...and sees her as a lowly maid. Yet, it is the poor way she is being treated that drives Max into her arms.
When Max finally does realize who she is, he insists that they get married. The story goes back and forth like this as Max looks to embrace her then decides to push her away. Will they get married or will their passion for each other drive them apart?
This was a very well-written historical romance....I would also highly recommend JoAnna Wylde's novel Price of Freedom: Price of Freedom another incredibly well-written book.