Free Download | Bayou Moon (The Edge, Book 2) | Ilona Andrews

There are problems with this book--I think the pacing is off, almost as if the story needs to be a hundred pages shorter or a hundred pages longer (I'd prefer longer). Also, the title could be more memorable; I'm not sure they ever mention just seems kind of generic. And this is picky, but I frequently have to spend time analyzing the punctuation around the dialogue to determine who's talking and if that character is speaking out loud. Finally, I always have a little trouble with their verb tenses. The authors often go from past perfect to past and it throws me off my groove. Still, those are picky things that could be caught by an editor.

With all that said, I still really like this world and these characters. I love the male lead, William. They do a wonderful job with giving him a definite otherness without turning him into a freak. I just REALLY like this book. I just really like Ilona Andrews and will be waiting for more Edge stories and more Kate Daniels.