Free Download | Hostage | Don Brown

I've enjoyed Treason and now Hostage as being timely, brilliantly written, prohpetic and entertaining. My only complaint is that for me, the novels aren't long enough. They're about 320 pages in length, and I like books around 370-400 pages. LOL at the reviewer who called the author a "christian extremist" -- and did not even bother to capitalize "christian" -- as if Christians are the ones flying airplanes into skycrapers and committing acts of mass murder on our military bases. That so many are blinded to the truth is amazing. This author makes fun of Islam, and derides it. Worse, he appears to be a christian extremist. This constantly detracts from what is otherwise a decent tale. No character development. All the heroic Navy personnel are beautiful, so beautiful, it becomes funny. Not a good effort. Not recommended for anyone who likes subtlety.