Download : The Ghostway | Tony Hillerman

The Ghostway
A Shoot out at the Shiprock Wash-O-Mat leads to a puzzle that only Jim Chee with his knolage of the Gostway and of death rituals can try to peace together.

Related is a disappearance of a school girl (Margaret Sosi) will lead Jim from the New Mexico landscape to the Los Angeles area. There with Hillerman's gift for description we also get a contrasting look of the different worlds. Will He find the girl and what does the puzzle spell out, or will it ever become clear?

This is a close continuation of "People of Darkness" so many of the descriptions and people were previously defined in that book. The reason people read Hillerman is mostly for the descriptions of the places and people his characters encounter. 

As seen in previous books, in the description of Margaret and other characters, he incorporates his real life experience with World War II and it's aftermath.