Bridget Jones's Diary is a novel by Helen Fielding. It chronicles the life of Bridget Jones, a thirtysomething single woman living in London. In this book she turns 33 on March 21. Surrounded by a surrogate "urban family" of friends Sharon (Shazzer), Jude, and Tom, she tries to make sense of life and love in the 1990s.In the course of the year recorded in Bridget Jones's Diary, Bridget confides her hopes, her dreams, and her monstrously fluctuating poundage, not to mention her consumption of 5277 cigarettes and "Fat units 3457 (approx.) (hideous in every way)." In 365 days, she gains 74 pounds. On the other hand, she loses 72! There is also the unspoken New Year's resolution--the quest for the right man. Alas, here Bridget goes severely off course when she has an affair with her charming cad of a boss. But who would be without their e-mail flirtation focused on a short black skirt? The boss even contends that it is so short as to be nonexistent.