Set in a new part of the world that Constable invented for her Chanters of Tremaris trilogy, this escapade brings together three teenagers with different backgrounds and agendas for a cross-country flight and an equally suspenseful romantic triangle. Sprung after five years of princely but lonely captivity by the capable laundrymaid Tansy and Perrin, a glib and handsome soldier, Skir looks forward to returning to his conquered home country despite feeling that he is unsuited to be the ruling priest-king. He competes with Perrin for Tansy, who is inexperienced but has the most common sense and courage of the three. By the end, after the trio eludes a hot pursuit, lands squarely in the midst of a simmering revolt, and survives a spectacularly fiery climax, Tansy and her two friends have matured to a point at which they can make clear-eyed personal choices. Aside from an arbitrary sacrifice at the end and a sudden deus ex machina revelation about Skir’s true ancestry, this is a well-crafted fantasy that should find a good-sized fan-base ready for it. Grades 6-9.